Exenatide: sustained improvements in blood glucose control and progressive weight loss after two years

A two-year study has shown that Exenatide ( Byetta ) injection sustained improvements in blood glucose control and reduced body weight in people with type 2 diabetes who previously did not achieve adequate control of their blood sugar on common oral medications.

After two years of treatment, patients sustained an average hemoglobin A1C ( HA1C ) reduction of 1.1 percent from baseline.
This HA1C reduction compares to an HA1C reduction of 1.1 percent at the end of the initial 30-week clinical trial, demonstrating sustained efficacy over the two-year period.

Fifty percent of patients in this study reached an HA1C of 7 percent or less, and 31 percent achieved an HA1C of 6.5 percent or less after two years of treatment.

Average weight loss improved to 10 pounds from the average of five pounds seen after 30 weeks. Fasting blood glucose was reduced 25 mg/dL.

Participants treated with Exenatide showed significant improvement in HOMA-B from study start to end after two years.

There were 283 patients from the original 30-week Exenatide pivotal trials that completed 2 years of Exenatide treatment in open-label extension trials.
All patients in this "completer cohort" received Exenatide twice daily in addition to their current diabetes treatment.

Data collected and assessed over two years demonstrated that long-term administration of Exenatide in combination with Metformin, a sulfonylurea or both, resulted in sustained reductions in blood glucose and progressive reductions in weight.

Source: 66th Annual Scientific Sessions - American Diabetes Association ( ADA ), 2006
