Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine, reduces central neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis

A UK study, published in the journal Neurology, showed that the cannabis based medicine, Sativex, is effective in reducing central neuropathic pain and sleep disturbance in people with multiple sclerosis ( MS ),

This randomised, controlled trial demonstrates that Sativex was significantly superior to placebo in reducing the mean intensity of pain ( p=0.005 ) and sleep disturbance ( p=0.003 ) amongst people with multiple sclerosis.

The study was conducted in 66 patients, 65% of whom required support to walk or were wheelchair bound and were suffering from moderate to severe central neuropathic pain which had not been alleviated by currently available medications. Patients continued to take their existing medication throughout the trial.

Sativex was administered as an oromucosal spray allowing flexible dosing which is ideally suited to the variable nature of multiple sclerosis. Sativex was generally well tolerated in the study.

Carolyn Young, principal investigator and at the Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery in Liverpool said, " Central neuropathic pain occurs frequently in people with MS. It can be tremendously debilitating and unresponsive to existing therapies. Our findings demonstrate that Sativex was effective in reducing both central pain in MS and pain-related sleep disturbance in a population with moderate to severe central pain inadequately relieved by existing medication".

Sativex has been developed by UK-based GW Pharmaceuticals and is currently approved as a prescription medicine in Canada for the symptomatic relief of neuropathic pain in adults with multiple sclerosis.

Sativex is derived from whole plant extracts of two specifically bred cannabis plant varieties.
The extracts are combined to produce a standardised formulation containing two major components of cannabis, the cannabinoids delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) and cannabidiol (CBD).

Sativex is formulated into a pump action oromucosal spray designed for self-administration by the patient. Each spray of Sativex delivers a fixed dose of 2.7mg THC and 2.5mg CBD.

Neuropathic pain is caused by damage to or dysfunction of the nervous system. It is usually chronic and accompanied by unpleasant burning or shooting sensations, or extreme sensitivity to touch. It is estimated that at least 2.4% of the world’s population suffers from neuropathic pain, including over 1.4 million patients in UK.

It is estimated that central neuropathic pain occurs in up to 52% of people with multiple sclerosis. Up to 32% of patients with MS regard pain among their most severe symptoms describing it as frequent, disabling and inadequately managed.

Source: GW Pharmaceuticals, 2005
