Statins improve erectile dysfunction of some men

Results of a small study showed promise in improving erectile dysfunction in men who had shown minimal reaction to Sildenafil ( Viagra ).

The study results are published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Erectile dysfunction is often a sign of a more severe vascular problem that involves abnormalities in the lining of the blood vessels. And often, endothelial dysfunction is an underlying problem for erectile dysfunction - it can be one of the first signs of atherosclerosis.

" It's already known that there is a connection between erectile dysfunction and coronary disease. The risk factors are the same for both, and thus, erectile dysfunction can be a marker for coronary disease," explains lead author Howard Herrmann, at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. " Normal erections are caused when nitric oxide is made, but with endothelial dysfunction, the body doesn't make enough of it, causing the erectile dysfunction. Normally, Sildenafil prevents the breakdown of the little nitric oxide that is there, so that there is enough of it for an erection to occur."

However, about 10-30 % of men are classified as " Sildenafil non-responders " - in these men, Viagra did not significantly help their erectile dysfunction. So in a small, double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study at Penn, Herrmann looked at a dozen patients with erectile dysfunction who had not responded well to Viagra. He gave them either a high-dose Atorvastatin ( Lipitor ) or a placebo. He then rechallenged them with Sildenafil and asked if the erectile dysfunction had improved.

" There did seem to be some improvement for those who received Atorvastatin versus the placebo," said Herrmann. " We theorized that if you could make the edothelium healthier through the use of statins -- so that there is more nitric oxide available -- you would improve the endothelial dysfunction and Sildenafil would work better for the patient."

And there are other potential benefits too. Stan Schwartz, at Penn and co-author, states, " Patients with diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, are plagued with complications of the diabetic state that involve endothelial dysfunction. This research points us in a direction that says any drug class that improves endothelial dysfunction may also be beneficial to patients with diabetes."

Additionally, Emile Mohler, at Penn and co-author, cautions, " Erectile dysfunction is a sign that cholesterol plaque may be present in the heart, neck or leg arteries. Men with erectile dysfunction should be evaluated for vascular disease."

" These preliminary results show promise," adds Herrmann. " They support the hypothesis that erectile dysfunction may be one sign of a generalized vascular disorder characterized by endothelial dysfunction and that statin drugs may improve the endothelial dysfunction, even before altering the lipid profile. But the results are preliminary and warrant further testing in a larger clinical trial," he cautions.

It should be noted that beyond endothelial dysfunction, there are other reasons Sildenafil may not work well for someone.

Source: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Researchers, 2006
