Elaprase, the first treatment for Hunter syndrome

The FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) has approved Elaprase ( Idursulfase ), the first product for the treatment of Hunter syndrome ( Mucopolysaccharidosis II, or MPS II ), a rare inherited disease which can lead to premature death.

Hunter syndrome, which usually becomes apparent in children one to three years of age, is a disease in which the person's body is defective in producing the chemical iduronate-2-sulfatase, which is needed to adequately breakdown complex sugars produced in the body.
Symptoms include growth delay, joint stiffness, and coarsening of facial features.
In severe cases, patients experience respiratory and cardiac problems, enlargement of the liver and spleen, neurological deficits, and death.

Elaprase was designated as an orphan product by FDA.
Hunter syndrome is diagnosed in approximately one out of 65,000 to 132,000 births.

Elaprase was approved after a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 96 patients with Hunter syndrome showed that the treated participants had an improved capacity to walk.
At the end of the 53–week trial, patients who received Elaprase infusions experienced on average a 38-yard greater increase in the distance walked in six minutes compared to the patients on placebo.

The most serious adverse events reported during the trial were hypersensitivity reactions to Elaprase that could be life-threatening. They included respiratory distress, drop in blood pressure, and seizure. Other frequent, but less serious adverse events included fever, headache and joint pain.

Because of the potential for severe hypersensitivity reactions, appropriate medical support should be readily available when Elaprase is administered.

Source: FDA, 2006
